Eating dark chololate a day keeps depression away. How true is this?

By Blogger Today | Mental health | 2024-06-19 15:17:00

Answer 1 only a few studies have analyzed associations between chocolate consumption and depressive symptoms, with conflicting results.

Answer 2 - You wouldn't hang your hat on current studies in terms of recommending patients to have dark chocolate. There is need for longer and stronger studies to find an association. However, looking for adjunctive treatments and what people can do to stay healthy is important.
The problem is, if you tell someone dark chocolate is good, likely people would eat a lot of dark chocolate and not eat their fruits and veggies. For everyone, it is important to exercise and have a good, balanced diet," says Dr Riba.

Reference: Dr Jackson and Dr Riba , Depress Anxiety. Published online July 29, 2019.


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